Baby Size: Savoy Cabbage Food Cravings: Chocolate Newest Milestone: Actual stretch marks.. And swelling. Current Top Name Choice: Ronyn Celise Five weeks left! Next week, I will be starting my weekly OB visits, and she’ll be checking for dilation. I will also be tested for Group B Strep, which is apparently fairly common (about 1 …

Week 24: Update
Baby Size: Eggplant Food Cravings: Soft Pretzels Newest Milestone: Tiny Stretch Mark Pregnancy Stretch Marks: 1 24 weeks today! Which means it’s been exactly 20 weeks (this evening) since taking *just one more test* because I was starting to recognize the symptoms from last time, and my period still hadn’t shown up (and I didn’t …
Week 17, Day 2: Kicks!
Baby Size: Pomegranate Food Cravings: Cheetos Newest Milestone: Kicks! 17 weeks and 1 day. Baby’s been making itself known for a couple days now! It was hard to tell previously if what I was feeling was baby or gas, I basically waited a few seconds to see if I felt the gas building up, and …