The apps are telling me today that the little one is now the size of an appleseed. Also, it looks like a baby dinosaur! Cutest baby I’ve ever seen. Anyways, just started getting back pains, and constipation is going down a bit, which is great because last night I woke up in a cold sweat because …
17 DPO: The Wait
Well, nothing too exciting to report. Still bloated, still cramping, still sore breasts. I bought my first ‘pregnant’ shirt, coming in the mail sometime next week. It says “Keep Calm, I’m Pregnant”, with a baby bottle and rattle above it. I’m not a big fan of the “Keep Calm” things, but it’s a super cute …
15 DPO: The Bump
Now that the doctor has confirmed the pregnancy, and it’s a few days after period would have started (with no spotting!), I feel more confident that this thing is sticking. And now that bloating has gone down a bit, I’m also closer to my pre-luteal phase weight, which means I can start documenting my ‘bump’. …
14 DPO: The Confirmation
5:20am: Wake up. Still have sore breasts, but not as bad as Sunday. Temp is 98.50, slight increase from the past few days, so that’s a good sign for the little embryo. Still some mild cramps, but nothing major yet, and no spotting. Stopped at a Target before lunch to ogle some baby clothes, but …
11 DPO: The Sore Breasts
10:06am: Wake up. Sooore everything. Take temp. 98.75, and not feeling the best. But at least temps are staying high! Good sign. Had my bachelorette party yesterday, drank lots of fruity mocktails and enjoyed some loud and awesome songs at the Shout!House. Was forced to go up on stage, and had to climb up onto …
10 DPO: The Pregnancy Test
7:02am: Wake up. Take temp. 98.20, still good, hasn’t dropped down yet. Time to take Test #2. Washed my hands, brushed my hair, then looked. Saw a faint line. And not an imaginary faint line, like you see when you’re really hoping for a positive, but can’t get anyone else to see it… A Real Faint Line. …
8 DPO: The Cramps
5:30am: Wake up. Take temp. 98.20, went back up a little, that’s good. Then cramps. Period-like cramps, 6 days early. Sure, it’s possible that my period could have been early, but highly unlikely. I’d decided the night before that I wanted to test, since I was feeling very hopeful, so the cramps just seconded that notion. So, I went to …
Egg Bake Yumness

Last weekend was Easter, so I decided to try out a recipe I found online. It was a french toast maple sausage bake, and it tasted good, but I didn’t like how soggy it turned out. Probably my fault, but whatever. So since that was a failure (in my mind, anyways, as my husband loved …