Showing 5 Result(s)
Trying to Conceive

Trying Again

Well, my first cycle after MC wasn’t too terrible. Random pains in the uterus or ovaries or something, started to think I might have had some issues with the miscarriage.. But I think it’s gone now. Back to TTC, though I’m not confident in our chances this month. Hubby got in the middle of a dogfight, …

Trying to Conceive

Clearing Up

Cramps: gone. Red blood: gone. Pads and liners: gone. Down to just the brown spotting, mostly just when I wipe, so I decided to risk no liner today. I’ve been feeling normal for the past few days, got all the big clots out on Friday (and was feeling terrible half the day because of it) …

Pregnancy, Trying to Conceive

8 DPO: The Cramps

5:30am: Wake up. Take temp. 98.20, went back up a little, that’s good. Then cramps. Period-like cramps, 6 days early. Sure, it’s possible that my period could have been early, but highly unlikely. I’d decided the night before that I wanted to test, since I was feeling very hopeful, so the cramps just seconded that notion. So, I went to …