Baby Size: Sweet Potato Food Cravings: None Almost half-way! Had another baby (boy) dream. So that brings the tally to 4 boy dreams, 1 girl dream (and 1 girl dream from mother-in-law). Me and hubby were sitting in the little living room we have set up in my parents’ basement, hubby was holding baby, and …
Week 17, Day 2: Kicks!
Baby Size: Pomegranate Food Cravings: Cheetos Newest Milestone: Kicks! 17 weeks and 1 day. Baby’s been making itself known for a couple days now! It was hard to tell previously if what I was feeling was baby or gas, I basically waited a few seconds to see if I felt the gas building up, and …
Week 15, Day 4: Getting Close..
Baby Size: Avocado Food Cravings: Orange Juice Strongest Symptom: Exhaustion Old Wives Tale Status: Leaning Towards Boy We had our 15 week checkup on Wednesday, and got to hear the heartbeat again (first time with hubby in the room with me). Heart rate was in the 140s, and baby was moving around like crazy in …
Week 13, Day 3: Announcing!
Baby Size: Hot Jalapeno Food Cravings: Fig Newtons Strongest Symptom: Round Ligament Pain Well, quick update on morning sickness, it almost went away and then I got sick (like, bug sick, not pregnant sick). So the past few days have sucked, majorly. But I’m feeling better again, and just in time for Valentine’s Day! Which …
Week 12, Day 2: Another Strange Dream
Baby Size: Apricot Food Cravings: Mandarins (still) Strongest Symptom: Sore Breasts Last night, I had a dream that I was hanging out with my friend Erica, just chilling outside with her and our husbands. At one point, someone mentions bug spray, and I say that I won’t be using DEET at all this summer, and …
Week 11, Day 3: Doppler
Baby Size: Brussels Sprout Food Cravings: Mandarins Strongest Symptom: Morning Sickness Today, baby is 11 weeks and 2 days, and still wearing normal clothes. Stomach is starting to feel heavy, but it’s not uncomfortable to wear my jeans buttoned. Which is great, cause I still don’t remember where I put my button extenders or belly …
Week 9, Day 2: Doritos
Baby Size: Wild strawberry Food Cravings: Raspberries Strongest Symptom: Morning Sickness Well, today baby is 9 weeks and 1 day, and my morning sickness started to lighten up a couple days ago. I started to get sick of triscuits, so I replaced them with Doritos… Big mistake. Turns out they aren’t so great when they’re …
Week 7: Sick, Sick, Sick
Baby Size: Raspberry Food Cravings Non-Aversions: Chicken Strips Strongest Symptom: Morning Sickness. And Constipation. So, I’m pretty sure I got sick from someone over the Christmas break. My nausea was much worse than normal, and has recently gone back to a manageable sickness. And since I had a sore throat at the same time as …
Week 6, Day 2: Note from Santa
We had our first ultrasound last night. Baby was 3mm long, measuring 6 weeks exactly, with a heart rate of 111. I’m sure they’ll want to bring me in again next week or so to make sure the heart rate gets up past 120, but I was just glad it was a good enough heart …
Week 5, Day 7: Morning Sickness
Well, I’ve finally had a real bout of morning sickness. Never had this with the first pregnancy, though I’ve had plenty of regular nausea. I woke up this morning just feeling so nauseous that I thought I might actually puke this time. Thankfully, I keep triscuits on my nightstand, so I ate a couple of …