Showing 39 Result(s)
Children, Pregnancy

Week 39, Day 6: Birth

So it turns out that was the bloody show. The next morning, I woke up and finally felt the difference between labor contractions and braxton hicks. The contractions weren’t too painful at that point, and still irregular, so I tried to go about my day as usual. By mid afternoon, it was uncomfortable enough that …


Week 39, Day 4: Bloody Show?

Just a quick update, so I have it on record in case it means anything. Well, I had some brown mucus-y discharge today. Could be mucus plug, could be bloody show. Unfortunately, unless I know for sure that it’s bloody show, it doesn’t mean much except that it’s probably gonna happen in the next couple …


Week 39: Ugh. Just, ugh.

Baby Size: Small Pumpkin Dilation: 3cm+ Effacement: 70% Station: -1 How does she even still have room in there?? I’m at the point where it now takes quite a bit of effort just to roll to my back from one side — and still need to roll to the other side after that, because laying on my back …


Week 37: Are We There Yet?

Baby Size: Honeydew Melon Dilation: 3cm Effacement: 60-70% Well, big change from last week! Baby’s head is ‘very, very low’, according to my doc, so any day now, really. Hubby’s out of town this weekend, so I’m hoping baby waits until Sunday morning at least, so hubby’ll at least be on his way home by …


Week 36, Day 2: Dilation

Baby Size: Ripe Papaya Food Cravings: Anything to get rid of this heartburn Dilation: 1cm Effacement: 50% I had my first cervical exam yesterday, at exactly 36 weeks. Gotta say, it was worse than a regular gyno visit, because the probing caused cramping for like an hour after. Definitely not looking forward to feeling that …


Week 34, Day 7: Home Stretch

Baby Size: Savoy Cabbage Food Cravings: Chocolate Newest Milestone: Actual stretch marks.. And swelling. Current Top Name Choice: Ronyn Celise Five weeks left! Next week, I will be starting my weekly OB visits, and she’ll be checking for dilation. I will also be tested for Group B Strep, which is apparently fairly common (about 1 …


Week 29, Day 5: 3D Ultrasound

Baby Size: Pineapple Food Cravings: Fries Newest Milestone: 3D Ultrasound! After finding out the gender, I decided that I really wanted to see my baby’s face. I was hoping it would help me settle on a name. Sadly, she didn’t want to cooperate this far along; she was cuddled up against the uterine wall with …


Week 28: Gender Reveal

Baby Size: Tropical Coconut Food Cravings: Almonds in Chocolate Newest Milestone: Gender Reveal! We had our baby shower on Saturday, and it went great! A bit disorganized, and we forgot about a few food items (beans, bell peppers, lemonade), but everyone seemed to be having a good time, and nothing terrible happened (though I did …


Week 24: Update

Baby Size: Eggplant Food Cravings: Soft Pretzels Newest Milestone: Tiny Stretch Mark Pregnancy Stretch Marks: 1 24 weeks today! Which means it’s been exactly 20 weeks (this evening) since taking *just one more test* because I was starting to recognize the symptoms from last time, and my period still hadn’t shown up (and I didn’t …


Week 19, Day 2: The Anatomy Scan

Baby Size: Zucchini Food Cravings: None Newest Milestone: Anatomy Scan! Finally got to see baby again! It’s been a looong 13 weeks, and baby looks more human than that blob at the 6 week scan. Almost halfway to seeing my baby in person! Baby was mostly cooperative during the scan, until it came time to …