Baby Size: Sweet Potato
Food Cravings: None
Almost half-way! Had another baby (boy) dream. So that brings the tally to 4 boy dreams, 1 girl dream (and 1 girl dream from mother-in-law). Me and hubby were sitting in the little living room we have set up in my parents’ basement, hubby was holding baby, and we were feeding him individual cheerios I think. Then I held baby. Totally uneventful, but I loved it.
Last night, hubby decided he wanted to take me out to eat, I ended up deciding on steak, and hubby suggested an expensive steak house he really likes. So we got dressed up and went there. Before we left, I decided to take a bump photo with my fancy dress on, just because. So, ignore the dirty mirror and terrible lighting, lol. One of these days I’ll switch to taking pictures upstairs, where the lighting is much better.