
Week 19, Day 2: The Anatomy Scan

Baby's ProfileBaby Size: Zucchini
Food Cravings: None
Newest Milestone: Anatomy Scan!

Finally got to see baby again! It’s been a looong 13 weeks, and baby looks more human than that blob at the 6 week scan. Almost halfway to seeing my baby in person! Baby was mostly cooperative during the scan, until it came time to scan the head. It got real comfy pressed up against the wall, face-down of course, so the sonographer had me lay on my side, then the other side, then on my back again, then all over again. Hubby of course attempted to help by tickling me, and eventually baby moved so we could get a decent profile view. Heart rate was lower than it was the past couple times I’d checked using the doppler, around 130 bpm, but considering how calm baby was, I’m not surprised. Did get to see baby sucking its thumb, that was adorable <3