A few days ago, I had a really good dream. You’ll probably read it and say “That’s all?”, but I’ve never had a good baby dream, only ever had sad ones. Having a happy dream for once? It was amazing.
Some of you may recall the dream I had shortly after my first ultrasound for my first pregnancy, where I gave birth too early and the baby suffocated, and I went crazy and did some magic to keep him ‘alive’. Yeah. Not fun.
So this happy dream was actually pretty simple. I gave birth, of course the dream skipped over labor, but I was pregnant and then I was staring at my beautiful baby boy, with his still-wet brown hair (with a slight curl), his surprisingly-adorable stork bites, and.. I have no idea what color his eyes were, but I stared at them long enough that I’m sure dream-me knew what color they were. And then time passed, and his stork bites disappeared (which is why I call them stork bites and not birth marks), and he was bigger and still gorgeous. Another boy was there, slightly older than my baby, and in my dream I knew he was my son. Pretty sure he was our angel baby <3
I don't know if it was prophetic, but it gives me hope that this pregnancy will turn out ok.
Oh! And today I went to the doc to verify the pregnancy, and the ultrasound will be next Tuesday! Crossing my fingers that the heartbeat is nice and strong by then.