Baby Size: Apricot
Food Cravings: Mandarins (still)
Strongest Symptom: Sore Breasts
Last night, I had a dream that I was hanging out with my friend Erica, just chilling outside with her and our husbands. At one point, someone mentions bug spray, and I say that I won’t be using DEET at all this summer, and nudge Erica (to say: hint, hint). She gets all excited and says congrats and whatnot, and I tell her I’m 12 weeks along. And then she says she’s just over a week! I get all excited for her, etc etc, and I wake up. Obviously, there’s a bit of confusion regarding being one week pregnant… She could have meant 1 week since conception, which would be about 4 weeks. Or, she could literally mean 1 week into her cycle, where she will get pregnant… So of course, I message Erica to let her know, because it could be a good omen for her this cycle, or it could be a psychic dream. Turns out, she isn’t even trying yet, but wants to (hubby wants to wait). So I’m crossing my fingers that he’s moved by the dream, and they conceive this cycle, or soon!
So back to my own pregnancy, ha. I’ve been spotting (brown) for a couple days now, since having sex last, so doc says no more sex for a couple weeks, at least. It happened shortly after I had a sharp pain in my side (where I think my left ovary is, and it wasn’t gas or constipation, I have enough of those pains already that I know what those feel like), so I was worried that the spotting might not have been due to the sex, so I went in to the doc the next day. It was a quick visit, doc let me listen to the heart beat, it was all good. Cervix is still closed, so nothing to worry about there.
Now to just get through the next 8 weeks, and I finally get another ultrasound! First one was just too blurry to really tell what anything was.